February 28, 2024

We just wanted to reach out and say thank you for making the hardest decision of our lives become one of peace. 

My heart was put at ease when you came in and Maple greeted you with kisses. It told me that she was ready and understood what was to come. 

Her passing was made to be a more peaceful experience for us with your kindness and gentle manner. 

We know that you are met with many grieving and heartbroken families saying their final goodbye and you do it with such grace and comfort. It takes a special soul to be able to do that. Thank you again for helping us throughout the whole process. 

Maple’s Family,

Marianna, Scott, Henry and Natalie

January 13, 2023

I wanted to extend my gratitude for bringing some beauty and light to one of the hardest days of my life. I came across the Buddha left on the side table this morning when I was feeling heartbreak and emptiness and it nearly brought me to tears. I came across it at the perfect time. Thank you for your kindness, patience, and showing Gio such respect and care. I can't express how much ease you brought to my heart knowing that I felt like Gio was being sent off as the beautiful spirit he is and not just a cat. He was my world. I am so extremely grateful for your energy, nature, and time given.

All my best,


January 11, 2023

I have meant to reach out to you and thank you for the great experience you were able to provide with me and Tony and letting Georgie go.

It really was a much better experience than going to the vet.

Thank you for the little buddha.

Wishing you all the best.

Thank you,


December 19, 2022

I just wanted to write and thank you. My husband is kind enough to deal with all the logistics so I wanted to personally write you. I am not sure how to express to you how meaningful it was that it was YOU who did this. You have such a kind heart and it was apparent tonight. Your kindness and care shines through even in such a hard and difficult time. Sending Scarface to a better place was one of the hardest things I have done, and it was embarrassing that you had to experience all my tears, but you were so kind and understanding. I appreciate you explaining the process and keeping me informed throughout. I am also grateful that you let us know that there seemed to be more wrong, which we knew but doubted right before everything happened because we didn’t want to let go. He meant the world to me and the Buddha you left will be cherished and it confirmed you were the right person with us.

Thank you,


September 28, 2023

It has been one week ago today, that you gave our beloved Leo a smooth and loving passing. You have a special gift. Not only did you put Leo at ease (It was obvious that you two would have been good buddies from the start); you put all of his human family members at ease. You made a truly tragic situation bearable for the five of us. We thank you so much.  As I’m a Believer, I like to think that  he’s having a great time playing with Clancey and Charlie (both terriers) and that we’ll see him again.

God bless you, Rob,


September 22, 2022

As I lay here in bed with my two daughters and now two dogs, I am having a chance to reflect on this day. I look at all their resting bodies and find peace in this quiet room. I feel like I’ve captured still frames I’m my head of the sad but beautiful morning we had. You are a gift to this world, I hope you know that. The amount of patients, empathy, kindness and love that pours from you is amazing. I can only imagine how hard it can be to what you do, but I want you to know I’m eternally grateful for how you have shown your love for all of us and our sweet sweet Juno. 

Thank you for guiding us on this journey. 

Mandy and the girls

September 18, 2022

Just a note to express my thanks and appreciation for helping my dear MaddyCat on her journey. This was the most peaceful transition imaginable for Maddy, which was the best thing I could do for her, to give her the love and peace which she did not have for most of her life.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart,


September 11, 2023

I want to thank you so very much for helping our sweet Gertie today.  We have never met a more compassionate and caring person.  As hard as today was, you made it better!

Thank you again,

Joe and family

September 5, 2022

I just wanted to thank you for your grace on Saturday with our family and Bowie as you helped him transition. We miss him terribly it is difficult to let go.

With sincere thanks,

Megan, John and family 

September 2, 2023

Thank you for your kind heart and your willingness to take the time and care needed to help us in a heartbreaking situation. I appreciate you, your kindness and your gentle skill.


August 20, 2022

Thank you for helping Zoey pass so peacefully yesterday. She was so calm as I held her I feel like she knew why you were there and she was letting me know she ready to go. I think maybe she had been trying to stay alive for me. Even though she was still eating and drinking, she wasn't herself. It was the hardest decision to make but I couldn't bear to watch her not living her best life any longer....

Thank you again for making a most painful time bearable.


June 9, 2022

I just wanted to thank you again for everything this evening. You were a real blessing to our family and especially to Pippa. 

You provide an incredible service. 

We wish you ALL good things,


May 24, 2022

I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Rob

You are such an incredible doctor and it’s very clear you care about those you serve. Your heart is surely on your sleeve, you are nothing but gracious.

My sweet girl is resting now, and it’s all thanks to you, and again, I’m very grateful it was with you.



May 24, 2022 

I just wanted to thank you for bringing so much love, light, and peace into my home yesterday. I could not have asked the universe to deliver a more peaceful energy to be with Sigmund in his final moments.

As soon as I walked back inside I walked straight into this praying monk you left for me. It brought me sooooo much peace. I put him in a little temple that I have next to a fountain along with Sigmund dog tags.

You will forever be remembered. You are one of the kindest souls I’ve been graced with during a difficult moment. Blessings to you for using your many gifts in such a beautiful way.

With love and tremendous gratitude,


April 28, 2022

I just wanted to thank you for everything today. Today was not the easiest of days but you were very good to us all and especially Bear. Also before we left to take Bear on his final car ride today I found the trinket you had left on the railing, it was a small token that meant a lot. I'm not sure if you happened to see the Buddha statue in the back yard but Bear loved visiting the Buddha statue anytime he went outside. Thank you again for guiding us through a tough time and I'm grateful that you could help Bear on to his next spiritual journey.



April 13, 2022

Thank you very much for your help yesterday with Lilly. You made a sad and difficult situation as calm and peaceful as possible.

Thank you!

The Lawson Family

April 12, 2022

Thank you Rob for your very caring and expert care with Sable today. Her years and discomfort disappeared during your process and she was at peace, which I am extremely thankful for. Still sad and a loss as you know, but comforted by your service and the Animal Soul as she in the best hands.

We had at least 20 or more condolences from the hunting group profoundly sorry for her passing. I didn't realize that she was so outstanding that fellas came out from their work day to speak to her talent!

I sincerely appreciate You during this time.

Many blessings,


March 25, 2022

Thank you again for your loving touch during a difficult time. During Rosie’s transition there were signs the whole time. For example Danielle looked up at the TV and this song was playing while we were saying goodbye, “Rose of sSharon” by Mumford & Sons. Look up the lyrics. It’s beautiful. The small rose spot of blood on the floor. It came out just fine btw. Lol. I did not realize you left the small little gifts that included a rose quartz shaped like a heart. All things that made us feel she was telling us she is in a good place and it’s ok.


March 7, 2022

Thank you again from our hearts for the gentle transition of our beloved Duncan. We can’t express in words how much we appreciate you and the time you spend, no rushing, insuring a gentle passing.

Our best wishes to you always,

Joe & Sue

February 25, 2022

Thank you so very much for your service today. You were wonderful and we are very thankful for you. This was the hardest decision we’ve ever made. You gave us so much comfort and peace.

Take care,


February 22, 2022

I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for all your assistance and care with Willow. As I'm sure you know we miss her very much. The compassion you showed and getting to know her story was heart melting. I could not have made a better choice with sharing the last moments of Willow's life in our/your company. You really went above and beyond.

Gail and I would truly like again to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the caring and understanding and utmost compassion that you exhibited during this trying time.

Thank you again for everything.


February 20, 2022

It was nice to meet you and thank you for coming and helping Chloe and me today.

You were an answer to my prayers.


January 28, 2022

Making the decision to have my Lily euthanized was probably the hardest singular decision I ever had to make in my life. Even being an army vet and having a career in law enforcement could not properly prepare me for the difficulty of what I knew was the right thing to do. I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your making what was a very emotional event just a little bit easier. It’s obvious you are a genuine person who truly cares about the work they do. Thank you for taking the time to explain every step and for keeping me a part of everything that was happening. Even though I wasn’t the most social person on that night I very much appreciated everything you did. Thank you again for your assistance and I wish you nothing but the best in the future. 


January 26, 2022

Thank you for everything, Rob. I appreciate the way you handled today for Bear.

Thanks from our family and Bear!


December 31, 2021

I just wanted to take a second to thank you so much for your time, gentleness and help with Tait yesterday. I feel like a little part of me went with him yesterday, but I'm so thankful we learned about you and your practice and that you were available to help me and Tait with this tough transition. He seemed so comfortable with you and I'll be forever grateful that our time yesterday never felt rushed, but peaceful.

Take good care and may God bless you for your kind heart and the peace and comfort you provide so many in such difficult days.

All the best,


December 5, 2021

Thank you for your kindness and expertise in aiding my Jameson's transition.

I so appreciate the gentle dignified passing you assisted.



December 4, 2021

Thank you so much for a beautiful service and easy transition for her and us!

Thank you


November 15, 2021

We wanted to again say how much your calm presence and demeanor helped us today. I’m sure it went a long way in helping Luna transition.

Thank you. We will definitely be recommending you.

Take care,

Barbara & family

November 7, 2021

Thank you Dr. Rob for providing Caymus with such a peaceful passing. We feel so blessed to have been there with him, loving up until his last moment here. 

Lit a lantern of love in the sky last night sending it to find him. 

Thanks again, 


October 15, 2021

We cannot thank you enough for the special love & care you provided to Brandi & our family last weekend. Having you with us during Brandi's passing & the peaceful way you facilitated her final moments was such a comfort.

The precious little Buddha statue was such a wonderful surprise!! He will live on my dresser and as I look at this special keepsake each day, I will think of the incredibly inspirational person who brought us such peace & comfort during a difficult time.

Forever grateful,

Marianne & family

October 12, 2021

I want to thank you for all of us for bringing peace and beauty into a very painful experience.

It helped me enormously to move through this transition. I also have been in such a fog that I failed to notice the beautiful little Buddha you left on the table. I will keep him close in my heart with my Baby Bear Bella for always.

The gift of you is irreplaceable. 


P.S. Nettie is starting to adjust to the changes and adapting fairly well. She was truly there with Bella through it all.

September 7, 2021

Thank you so much for your care of Penny this past weekend. It was very upsetting to us to have to let her go, but your calm presence and respect for her made it less traumatic. I am sure she is now chasing squirrels and enjoying herself!

Thanks again,


August 31, 2021

Thank you for making last night such a sacred ceremony. You have such a calming energy and you bring such a loving and deeply compassionate presence. We are so grateful for you.

I’m grieving yet I’m so solid in our decision.

As I got into my car this morning, I was ruminating for a moment about did I put things in motion too quickly even though in my heart, Quincey was so clear with me.

At that moment, the radiologist from Hope called and said, “there is no doubt, we have a very aggressive tumor here... inoperable”... and so on.

Also, my lower back hurt so badly on Sunday night as it has for the past 2 weeks, like nothing I’ve ever felt and without any medication, the moment the decision was made on Monday morning, my back was as if I had never had any issue.

I know Quincey is soaring deciding where he wants to be next.

Thank you, so much, Rob.

Kind Regards,


August 7, 2021

I didn’t get a chance to thank you before you left. But thank you so much for being so kind and gentle with Keva. She herself was a very gentle dog so it was fitting that was the way she left this life. I’m so glad Kate suggested that I reach out to you. She was invaluable yesterday as well. We love Kate so much. 


August 6, 2021

Thank you again, Dr. Rob, for bringing peace to Angel and for making our most difficult day as calming as possible. We are forever grateful.


July 28, 2021

Did you or Rob leave a small sculpture on the windowsill? Also, I wanted to thank you and Jackson again for your kindness. It was (still is) a very hard time for us and your calming presence made it a little less painful. Thank you all for everything, I couldn’t have made a better decision than choosing Avanti Vet and animal soul to handle these arrangements. We’ll be seeing you soon.


July 16, 2021

Just a note to let you guys know how smooth and comforting the event this afternoon was!! Something about the process and ceremony was so peaceful—something I was not expecting. :) I had anticipated a very bad day, all day, but during and after the ceremony we are all surprisingly well composed. I thank you for that. Stephanie commented how the second she smelled the herbs that she received a whole body calming effect! She couldn’t believe it. We were all able to move on so quickly! Steph and I still cling to the Sacred Bundle, but we are really doing very well.

Thanks again. What a beautiful transition for a beautiful boy.

All my best,


July 7, 2021

Thank you so much for reaching out. We have been talking about you a lot since you visited us last Friday. I don't even know how to express in words either directly & personally through email or even through a public online review of your services provided. We are beyond grateful for your calming presence, perspective, sincere interest in getting to know the family & pet(s) that contact you & your humble practice. I could not have asked for a better person to have so intimately interacted with Tommy at his end than you. A buttoned up, white coat Vet would have caused me a lot of unrest & guilt with the decision.

The beautifully adorned transport fabric seemed perfectly chosen for him.

I visited The Animal Soul this afternoon to bring home Tommy’s ashes.

I really look forward to being able to give back & visit Chenoa Manor & volunteer our time and efforts.

The Buddha statue left behind on the kitchen table was very much appreciated. This house recognizes & celebrates all walks. Tommy had Jewish & Catholic religious charms on his collar, crucifixes & mezuzahs in the home, even some Zoroastrianism symbols I requested the previous owners leave behind.

Thank you for keeping us on your mind & reaching out, encouraging us to share & be present in the grieving/healing.

Namo Buddhaya,

Rory, Sarah, Jen & Penny

July 1, 2021

Just wanted to give my heartfelt thanks again for coming out to be with Kooper. Everything was so peaceful and you made a really terrible situation so bearable.

When I was talking to my son Jeff later that day, he said look around for a Buddha (he sent me a pic)… he said they didn’t find it until hours after you left. I looked and told him “no Buddha”… tonight when I got home from work, their it was—a little Buddha sitting on my counter… I asked my husband where did he find it and he said it was out front on the rock! I can’t tell you how good this made me feel; it made me happy :) thank you again!!! Mary, my daughter in law (Maggie’s mom) asked me if you would share with us what it symbolizes… I do know that it will always make me think of sweet Kooper.

We feel so fortunate that you have crossed our paths.

With sincere gratitude,

Lorraine & Alan

June 28, 2021

Thank you for assisting my best friend and sweet girl into peace. It was exactly the way I always wanted her to go—so gentle and sleepy and surrounded by those who love her (including you and Rob).

Heartbroken, but I am grateful for you.

Take care,


June 28, 2021

My husband and I are very grateful to you for your kindness in helping us with Gracie. I feel she left us feeling loved and that she was without pain or distress.


June 25, 202

I just wanted to thank you again for your kindness when we had to say goodbye to Zeus. You made a very difficult and sad day a little better. It’s nice to see such genuine kindness and caring! Thanks again.


June 18, 2021

Thank you for making a difficult decision, and an awful moment, beautiful. Our heart aches, but knowing we gave Jasmine the ultimate gift passing in her favorite spot with her family gives my heart some relief. My daughter said it best that Jasmine felt your aura and knew you were there to help. Today she is no longer in pain and her spirit is free, no longer scared and suffering. 

Thank you,

Michelle & family

June 8, 2021

Thank you so much for everything. What you did yesterday for Chubba (and me) was so kind, gentle and dignified. While today I’m a puddle of tears (I have a Chubba size hole in my heart), I also know in my heart that the timing was the best it could possibly be and Chubba knew he was loved. I have so many precious memories and I think once I work through my grief, yesterday will become one of them.

Thank you again.


May 22, 2021

I just wanted to email you and say thank you for everything you did for my family and I. You were so kind, understanding, and super respectful of our feelings. Even my 16 year old son Austyn said you were wonderful and he loved how you explained everything to him and didn't treat him like a kid. I am so happy to have found you and can't thank you enough for taking care of our sweet husky girl Sadie. I'm so sorry that we never said thank you for that beautiful cover you made for Sadie. I was so emotional and it didn't dawn on me till late last night that I never said thank you. You went over and beyond for us and we are eternally grateful.

Thanks again, Dr. Rob.

Your new friends,

Shana & family

April 28, 2021

Stephanie and I wanted to let you know how grateful we are for the services you provided to our Bailey. We both noted that she accepted your presence immediately. You helped provide a calm and peaceful end for her without any stress, which was our goal.

Thank you,

Jack & Stephanie

March 13, 2021

Thank you.

Those are very small words for a very big gift. Pat and I are both very grateful to you for being so gentle with Harri and so kind to us. And Linus was amazing with you. He has been with us for almost 3 years and you are the first person in that entire time that he has not barked at when they came into the house. Dogs see our souls and yours, I believe, must be beautiful to gain his trust, instantly.

Thanks, Dr. Teti.


March 11, 2021

I just wanted to send you a message and thank you from the bottom of our hears with your help in putting Lilah to rest! You are truly a dog whisperer! What a gift you have and we are so grateful to you! Lilah was so peaceful and at ease. It was lovely and left me with such a calming feeling. My kids, although very painful, are happy that Lilah is no longer suffering! Her spirit will be with us always! Thanks for making her journey over the rainbow so pleasant!

All the best,

Jennifer & family

January 28, 2021

Wanted to say how grateful we all are to you. You made what was an unpleasant day so peaceful and memorable for my family. We are forever indebted to your incredible kindness.

All my best.


July 3, 2020

Thank you for being so kind & fabulous at what you do!. I will use you when needed. It couldn’t have been better! We love our Sis Girl & you so good to her.


April 28, 2020

I just wanted to reach out and express my sincere thanks for all you did this morning. Mike and I have been together since August and in that time I have been amazed over and over again how deeply he cared for Vito and Nixon and all he did to give them their best life. I know he didn’t mention it, but he has been feeding them a raw food diet which is a whole other level of commitment! I never met anyone who fed their dogs anything besides the traditional “kibble”. His life was basically dedicated to making his dogs feel like kings. I know how terribly difficult this decision was for him but this morning you and Rob made everything unbelievably peaceful. Your tone and mannerisms from the moment you walked in were completely calming. Although it was emotional and sad and even scary, you made Mike feel at ease and treated Vito with such genuine kindness. And Nixon too! I just wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciated it. Throughout the rest of the day we kept bringing up how impressive the whole process was from start to finish. Thank you again for providing an important level of support during Vito’s last moments.

